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Roadhouse 11 room

What is Roadhouse 11?


It's a music lab, an audio recording room, a place to build and record your music. Located in a quiet area that's full of beautiful landscapes and cultural treasures, Roadhouse 11 allows you to work on your ideas, to test your arrangements, to write music and words, without the frenzy and the chaos of every day. It's a place of withdrawal, in which you can draw, discover, structure and record the sound of your album.

Roadhouse 11 guitar

What can I do at the Roadhouse 11?

- Reharsal sessions, alone or with a band

- Creative Jam sessions

- Think and build a sound with the instruments in the studio as well as your own ones

- Take audio/video notes to keep safe each working idea during the sessions

- Work on your arrangements or on your pre-productions with our help, or with your producer

- Record your songs to send thoose to an external Mixing/Mastering studio

- Record a Demo Tape

- Record a Studio Live

- Broadcast streaming concerts with a professional audio

- You can also have a little storyteller video, and a professional photo book, to tell the story of your work in the Roadhouse

- It's possible to have accomodation for the days you spend here

Why should I choose Roadhouse 11?

Because sometimes, in order to achieve our best creative performance, we need a place that's new, stimulating and that doesn't distract us from the goal. We need clean air, silence and to be side by side with people who shares the same passion for music and art.

The wide range of instruments in the studio could wake up new motivations to free your creativity, and you could have our assistance anytime you'll need it.

Any Album, Single, EP, is made by beautiful creative moments, and Roadhouse 11 was born to make thoose moments magic and unforgettable.

Roadhouse 11 drums



Pics by Joseph Tallo

Roadhouse 11 Fender vaporizerRoadhouse 11 fadersRoadhouse 11 drumsRoadhouse 11 roomRoadhouse 11 fadersRoadhouse 11 roomRoadhouse 11 drumsRoadhouse 11 BobRoadhouse 11 fadersRoadhouse 11 drumsRoadhouse 11 drumsRoadhouse 11 MarshallRoadhouse 11 Fender excelsiorRoadhouse 11 fadersRoadhouse 11 fadersRoadhouse 11 micRoadhouse 11 VoiceRoadhouse 11 guitarRoadhouse 11 resophonicRoadhouse 11 marshallRoadhouse 11 voice